- 360-Degree Feedback
Account Management
Change your administrator password -
Purchase additional review licenses for Targets -
Purchase Additional Rater Licenses for a Target -
Add additional administrators to your account -
Find my account renewal date -
Add a logo to your account -
Manage employee records with the EchoSpan API -
Providing account access to EchoSpan Support -
Administrator Support Licensing -
User Database for the Companywide Subscription -
Summary Dashboard -
Project Password

Setup an Importance Rating competency -
Setup an Importance Rating scale -
Interpret the Importance Ratings graph -
Setup Multiple Choice items -
Setup Pick Multiple Item Type -
Setup a Behavioral Anchor Item -
Setup a Forced Rank Item type -
How to associate Comment Items with Multiple Choice Items in Reports -
Adding a Reverse Rating scale -
Customize Thank You Page Text -
Show or Hide Select Competencies in Reports: Indexing -
Hide Visibility of Select Competencies or Items from Reports and Review -
Applying Super-Competencies to your review items -
Create custom developmental reading suggestions -
Randomize Review Items -
Using Merge Fields to Customize Review Items -
Scored (Secondary) Competencies for Review Content Items -
Multi Project Mode -
Multiple Competency Model -
Conditional Competencies and Questions

Require auditors to review targets' rater lists -
Assign a single auditor as the approver for all targets' rater lists in a project -
Assign a target's manager as their auditor -
Allow auditors to release rater emails -
Send Auditor Summary Email Across Projects -
Customize the auditor invitation and reminder emails -
Send reminders to auditors to approve rater lists -
Assign a target's auditor from the administrator tool -
Reopen a target's rater list for their auditor -
Change or delete a target's auditor -
Sending emails when an Auditor is reviewing the rater lists

Editing email templates -
Edit the subject of an email -
Apply email template changes to other projects -
Create review invitations for Targets and Raters -
The difference between Rater review messages and Rater summary messages -
Create summary invitations and reminders for raters -
Requeue and send emails to targets and raters -
Preview Email Message and Test Message -
Setup automatic reminders -
Steps to take if email messages are not being delivered to users -
Enable HTML formatting in Emails -
How to insert HTML URL for Custom Invitation Link -
Outbound Email Server: Relay Server vs EchoSpan Local Server -
Create review reminders for Targets and Raters -
Email Validation -
Test Product Guide for Image Clarity

Updating existing projects to the latest version of the EchoSpan 360 tool -
Turning a Project or Survey ON or OFF -
Duplicate a project -
Reactivate an archived project -
Apply advanced settings to other projects -
Require Spell Check and Legal Scan -
Create editable lists for the legal scan feature -
Employee Engagement Survey Setup Guide -
Edit Project Name -
Archive a Project -
Add a Relationship Group

Generate a Group Report -
Create a custom Group Report template -
Add report components to a custom Group Report template -
Customize your Group Report components -
Preview a Group Report component -
Change the order of your report components within a Group Report template -
Delete a report component from a Group Report -
Rename a Group Report template -
Edit the font in a Group Report -
Delete a Group Report template -
Dynamic text fields for Group Reports -
Generate your Group Reports in any language -
Customize Group Reports for different languages -
Standard Group Report Calculation Reference Guide -
Determine if Projects are Compatible (for Group Reports or Change Over Time Reporting) -
Comparison Reporting _ Group Reports

Add a new language to my project -
Import Translated Content -
Edit translations once they have been entered -
Turn OFF translations -
Auto-translate all fields -
Delete a translation -
User's access to surveys in their preferred language -
Allow users to switch between languages -
Batch reports based on Target language -
Multiple Languages in an email template -
Customize reports for different languages

Adding raters to a project in the administrative tool -
Allow Raters to view their past comments for a given Target -
Download PDF report form for current review -
Allow Download of Previous Review -
Changing a rater's relationship group -
Changing a rater's review status -
Review Statuses for Raters and Targets -
Changing a Rater's email address or name -
Resend a rater their login information -
Reset login information for a Rater or Target -
Lock Finished Surveys -
Voluntary Feedback Advanced Setting -
Self-Evaluation Dependent Feedback -
Delete Raters -
Log in as a User -
Configure the Manager Relationship Group -
Enhance Comments -
Notify Manager Group upon Self-evaluation completion

Generate a Target's report -
Generate your reports in any language -
Export data from projects -
Automatically generate reports for Targets based on configurable review completion rules -
Configure interactive reports on Target and Manager dashboard(s) -
Allow managers to run reports on indirect reports -
Enforce a minimum number of ratings for report generation -
On Demand and Historical Reporting -
Hide Empty Rater Groups -
Critical Raters -
Rater Anonymity

Customize your report components -
Convert scores to percentages in reports -
Show percentile and quartile results in your reports -
Report filtering settings -
Extract key phrases in comments for a Target -
Pool rater groups on a report -
Configure benchmark scores for feedback reports -
PDF report security features -
Comparison Reporting _ Previous Project Configuration

Generative AI Report Content -
Create a custom report template -
Add report components to a custom report template -
Preview a report component -
Change the order of your report components within a report template -
Delete a report component -
Rename a report template -
Edit the report font -
Dynamic text fields for reports -
Delete a report template -
Standard Report Calculation Reference Guide -
Apply a design to a report template -
Comparison Reporting -
Add an image to a report -
Custom Report Colors

Use competencies from EchoSpan's library to create your review -
Use custom review content to create your review -
Add competencies from your custom library to a review -
Competency descriptions and instructions -
Associate Custom Competency with EchoSpan Reading Suggestion Topic -
Edit a Review Item -
Add self-evaluation text for any review item -
Reorder the review items in a project -
Reorder Competencies -
Require responses to review items -
Present an item to only one OR multiple relationship groups -
Setup an NPS Review Item -
Auto-Generate Surveys (AI)

Configure sub-account functionality within your account -
Add licenses to a sub-account -
Disable a sub-account -
Login to a sub-account -
Add a logo to a sub-account -
Add Administrators to a sub-account -
Duplicate a project from your master account to a sub-account -
Use report templates from your master account in sub-accounts

Adding targets to a project -
Display Rater Response Summary on Target Dashboard -
Allow targets to select their own raters (Comprehensive Guide) -
Queue invitation and reminder emails for targets to select their raters -
Duplicate Targets Rater list for Admins and Targets -
Phases to turn ON if Targets are selecting their own Raters -
Upload an employee database from which targets can select their raters -
Setup the minimum and maximum amount of raters that a target can select for each relationship group -
Limit the amount of times an individual can be added as a rater -
Require targets to finalize their list of raters -
Allow targets to launch their raters' emails -
Reopen a target's rater list so they can select additional raters after finalizing their list -
Changing a target's self-evaluation status -
Update a target's email address -
Transfer a target from one project to another -
Start or Stop feedback for individual Targets -
Request or Assign a Self-Evaluation -
Auto-fill Rater List -
Delete Target

Managing your Account -
Create a New Project -
Configure Rater Selection Process -
Setup Rater Relationship Groups -
Setup Competencies and Items -
Configure Rating Scale -
Review and Edit Email Templates -
Configure Project Autopilot -
Build and Edit Report Templates -
Add Targets to Project -
Add Raters to a Project -
Target Management during a Project -
Managing All Raters in a Project -
Create and Send Email Messages -
Generate and Distribute PDF Reports, Data Export Options -
Development Planning setup and management -
Development Planning user dashboard -
Apply language translations

Development planning overview -
Development planning scoring metrics -
Development planning settings -
Employee access rights in development planning -
Configuring manager access to employee plans -
Development plan Observers -
Turn off Targets and Managers ability to select development plan observers -
Create and send the Development Plan Intro email -
Development plan reports -
End-user development plan help guide -
Development Plan Access and Availability